I joined a gym today! It's my first time ever paying for a membership. It cost me $79.00 for 3 months. Is that a good price?
It's a small gym but there are still plenty of machines to use. And there are a TON of weights. The owner also has an area for aerobics and workout videos. And a few classes available in the evening, like Zumba.
It's also the closest gym to home and work being only about 10 minutes away. The only other gym even remotely close is 25 minutes in the wrong direction from work. I just don't see myself getting up at 6 am to drive that long to work out before work. I don't want to push myself too much for fear of failure.
The plan is to go three mornings a week before work to start. One of the other ladies at the office joined with me so we have an accountability partner.
It's time I get out there and do some things to better myself. This is just the first of many changes I'm hoping to make. More on some of those ideas later.